This contains guidance Regulated Providers should consider including within a tariff schedule and/or terms and conditions in respect to broadband and mobile data (Internet Access Services). The information should be on their website and within other published material. Illustrations or / and graphical representations should be used were appropriate.
As a minimum:
- Include a definition of a kilobyte (kB), Megabyte (MB) and Gigabyte (GB).
- A statement on the Regulated Provider’s data rounding rules and data units, if appropriate.
- An explanation of what is ‘upstream’ and ‘downstream’ data flow, in relation to the user and the network.
- A statement on the flow of data over the network and whether it includes re-sent data packets.
- How data usage is calculated, i.e. data that travels over the network in both directions upstream and downstream, (the measurement of which may differ from the data the end-user’s device consumes and differs from the data usage reported by the device).
- How does encryption and addressing data (i.e. the ‘headers’ on each packet of data) affect the amount of end-user data used to download or upload content.
- Which services do not consume chargeable data, i.e. the Regulated Provider’s portal or application. The impact of customers using proxy servers or VPNs to access the Regulated Provider’s portal.
- What happens when bundles are breached, how are charges applied.